2024. december 2. hétfő


Mobilitáspolitikai és közlekedési igazgatóság

Transport directly affects everyone in Europe. Whatever age we are, and whatever activities we undertake, transport and mobility play a fundamental role in today’s...

Intelligens közlekedés és parkolás

What do we want to achieve ? Innovation will help to make transport more sustainable, which means efficient, clean, safe and seamless. New infrastructure...

Fenntartható közlekedés

What do we want to achieve ? What do we want to achieve ? With growing freight and passenger transport, pollution and congestion risk...

Tiszta városi közlekedés

What do we want to achieve ? The European Commission is working to improve citizens' quality of life and strengthen the economy by promoting...

Európai mobilitási stratégia 2050-ig

What do we want to achieve ? This section contains references to the EU’s various transport-related strategies. White paper 2011 – ‘Roadmap to a...

Parkolási direktívák

Sufficient parking areas along the European road transport network are needed to allow drivers to rest. These areas must be adapted to the needs...

Mobilitás, közlekedés és parkolás az Európai Unióban

Európai Bizottság Az Európai Bizottság az EU végrehajtó szerve és munkája során az EU egészének érdekeit képviseli (az egyes országok egyéni érdekeivel szemben). A „Bizottság”...

Parking directives

Sufficient parking areas along the European road transport network are needed to allow drivers to rest. These areas must be adapted to the needs...

Intelligent transport systems

What do we want to achieve ? Innovation will help to make transport more sustainable, which means efficient, clean, safe and seamless. New infrastructure...

Clean transport, Urban transport

What do we want to achieve ? The European Commission is working to improve citizens' quality of life and strengthen the economy by promoting...