Munkacsoportok az EPA-ban

Data Collection

EPA has launched the project data collection to gain an overview over the basic figures of parking in Europe. The data collection is an ongoing project. First results on the number of spaces have been obtained and published in Parking Trend International. The work has been evaluated by the University of Barcelona and a new survey is online.
More information on the ongoing data collection can be found here.

  Presentation by Antoni Roig given at the EPA general meeting in Turin, September 16, 2011


The European Parking Association wishes to improve the service for the customers by providing easy and generally accepted cashless payment systems. The project group on EMV presented a final report
As developments in the payment industry continue with high impact for the parking industry, it is felt necessary to support the parking operators in Europe with status information, to anticipate for the future in new technology investments.

  Presentation by Richard Thoma given at the EPA general meeting on September 21, 2012 in Helsinki.


This task group focuses on how to communicate the valuable role of parking within the field of urban mobility to different interest groups such as customers, retailers or politicians.

  „Key messages from the parking industry” September 2012


Further information on the work of the task groups can be obtained via the Secretariat.